Island Stories


The Island Stories project is a collaborative community digitization and economic development project spearheaded by the Robertson Library with support from the Government of Prince Edward Island’s Rural Broadband Fund and strengthened by its partnership with the Community Access Program’s (CAP) Island Narratives Project.

Embodying technical and economic development innovation Island Stories represents a unique community contribution and discovery tool for Prince Edward Island’s rich material history. Uniquely the Island Stories community portal will enable the contribution and stewardship of historic materials by community members.  Islanders and visitors alike will be able to discover these same materials using the in-development Island Stories Ipad application. The presentation and geographic association of these historic materials in digital form with their communities of origin will enhance their discoverability, increase cultural tourism whilst reaffirming the undeniable efficacy of digital preservation.

Initially Island Stories will also draw on the existing archive of books, reports, letters, diaries and other print material produced by and about PEI. Much of the identified material to be digitized for this collection will come from the collections of the Robertson Library, Public Library Service branches, and Public Archives and Records Office of PEI. However, new partnerships with community, cultural and heritage organizations are being actively sought with the goal of preserving and presenting new historic materials digitally. In some cases, where important documents are out of print, the Robertson Library will provide a special “print on demand” service to ensure their continued physical life.

Island Stories is in an early stage of development. We would be happy to hear from you if you have content or insights to share.


Made possible through a generous private donation, IslandLives contains community and church histories and it builds on the Robertson Library’s mission to preserve and share unique material relating to Prince Edward Island and demonstrates UPEI’s ongoing commitment to making PEI’s cultural and published heritage available to all. Welcome.


The Island Imagined is an online collection of historic maps of Prince Edward Island. The collection features maps, atlases, books, images, and documents from the Prince Edward Island Public Archives and Records Office, the Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation, and the Robertson Library at the University of Prince Edward Island. The Island Imagined contains over 1,000 maps including an early map of the region circa 1574 attributed to Giacomo Gastaldi and features a digitized version of Meacham’s Atlas from 1880.

The Island Imagined is made possible by the financial support of the Department of Canadian Heritage through the Canadian Culture Online Program.

Prince Edward Island Legislative Documents Online